Other Publications

Well-told creepy yarns [review of Ghost Stories]. The Psychologist, June 2018, p. 87.

Reaching ‘Brenda from the chip shop’. The Psychologist, March 2018, 45.

(False) memories of childhood (Part 1). The Skeptic.

Spreading fake news. The Skeptic.

How we know what isn’t so. Part 2. The Skeptic.

The John Maddox Prize nomination for Elizabeth Loftus. Skeptical Inquirer, 41(2), 20-23.

From tiny acorns… Skeptical Inquirer, 40(6), 39-40.

How we know what isn’t so. Part 1. The Skeptic, 26(2), 6.

There are real dangers in the killer clown situation. iNews, 11/10/16.

In memoriam. The Skeptic, 26(1), 6.

The 16th European Skeptics Congress, London, 2015. Skeptical Inquirer, 40(1), 14-16.

Explainer: What are false memories? The Conversation, 22 October 2015.

Close encounters of the psychological kind. The Psychologist, 28, 812-815.

Intention seekers. The Skeptic, 25(4), 6.

Why do some people believe in conspiracy theories? Scientific American: Mind, 26(4).

The legacy of implanted Satanic abuse ‘memories’ is still causing damage today. The Conversation, 15 July 2015.

Conjuring memories. The Skeptic, 25(3), 6.

The tendency to see meaning where there isn’t any – in therapy and in life. Reflections, 15(1), 11-14.

What a picture! The Skeptic, 25(2), 6.

An anomalistic psychologist [interview with Chris French]. The Psychologist, 27(1), 26-27.

Many happy returns? Part 2. The Skeptic, 25(1), 6.

Many happy returns? Part 1. The Skeptic, 24(4), 6.

Searching for superhuman. The Psychologist, 26, 742-745.

Dying to know the truth about near-death experiences. Mental Notes, Spring 2013, 16-18.

This sceptic isle. The Skeptic, 24(3), 6.

Why did sleep evolve? Scientific American: Mind, 23(6), 70.

Journey into scepticism [A tribute to Paul Kurtz]. Skeptical Inquirer, 37(1), p. 17.

I get (hate-)mail. The Skeptic, 24(2), 6.

The psychology of ghosts and hauntings. The Skeptic, 24(2), 31-34.

Believe whatever you like. The Skeptic, 24(1), 6.

Peering into the future of peer review: a curious case from parapsychology. Psychology Review, 18(2), 26-29.

Student activities: Peering into the future of peer review. Psychology Review, 18(2), 30-31.

Allegations against ‘Psychic’ Sally generate storm of bad publicity for British psychics. Skeptical Inquirer, January/February 2012, 36(1), 5-6.

Reply to Suitbert Ertel, “Are psi effects reproducible under watchful skeptical conditions?” Mindfields, 4, 59-60.

Ritchie, S. J., Wiseman, R., & French, C. C. (2012).
Replication, replication, replication. The Psychologist, 25, 346-348.

The rise of parapsychology – and the fall of parapsychology? Soapbox Science, a community guest blog from nature.com, 19 December 2011:

The Skeptic: Ten years after. The Skeptic, Winter 2011, 11.

How does a skeptic explain the ‘paranormal’? Washington Post online, 5/8/11.

The friend I never met. [Tribute to Martin Gardner] Skeptical Inquirer, 34(5), 39.

From the subliminal to the ridiculous. The Philosophers’ Magazine, 45 (2nd quarter), 87-91.

Santomauro, J., & French, C. C. (2009).
Terror in the night: The experience of sleep paralysis. The Psychologist, 22(8), 672-675.

Wiseman, R., French, C. C., & Watt, C. (2009).
“None of this is true”: Do television disclaimers about the paranormal really work? Skeptical Inquirer, 33(5), 15-16.

What is sleep paralysis, and is it rare? Scientific American Mind, 19(6), December 2008/January 2009, 86.

Wright, D., Ost, J., & French, C. C. (2006).
Recovered and false memories. The Psychologist, 19(6), 352-355.

The mosaic of memory. The Skeptic, 17(1), 12-17.

Bible codes and flying saucers. The Times T2, 6-7.

Hughes, C., & French, C. (2002).
Medicine and magic [editorial]. Student BMJ, 10, 132-133.

Why I study anomalistic psychology. The Psychologist, 14(7), 356-357. [Reprinted in The Skeptical Intelligencer, 4, 2-5.]

Weird science at Goldsmiths. The Skeptic, 14(1), 7-8.

French, C. C., & Holden, K. (eds.) (2001).
Weird science at Goldsmiths [Special issue]. The Skeptic.

The media and the paranormal: A sceptic’s view. Magonia, 70, 9-13. (Winner of the second essay competition in memory of Roger Sandell; reprinted in The Skeptic, 13(3 & 4), 35-40).

Sorting the sheep from the goats. The Skeptic, 10(3), 12-15.

Can mystics make mistakes? A reply to Whiteman (1994). [Letter to the editor]. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 89, 89-96.

A further reply to Whiteman. [Letter to the editor]. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 89, 98-101.

Experience of ostensibly paranormal events is normal: A psychologist replies to Greeley. [Letter to the editor]. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 87, 193-198.

French C. C., Fowler, M., McCarthy, K., and Peers, D. (1991)
Belief in astrology: A test of the Barnum Effect. Skeptical Inquirer, 15, 166-172.

Automated testing: The need for caution. Guidance and Assessment Review, No. 2, 5-6.

Beaumont, J. G., and French, C. C. (1984)
Report. Microcomputer aided assessment in psychiatric and neurological states: Phase II (September 1982 – August 1984). Department of Health and Social Security.

A testing project. Computers in Psychiatry/Psychology, 6, 5.

EEG Coherence and Hemisphere Asymmetry. Ph.D. thesis, University of Leicester.